
Ways to be Annoying

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How to be Annoying:
As done by Sokka and Toph.

"Aw, man, Sergeant Tucker just got hit in the arm. OH-HO, that was the tank!" Sokka exclaimed as the rattatat and explosions of the war movie echoed in Toph's ears. She grinned as she listened to his monologue, helping her piece together what all the sounds meant. She had to admit, if watching tv meant that she got to sit leaned against him with his shins on either side of her and his arms around her shoulders, the television wasn't so bad. It was like when Sokka read her a book, except that it had professional sound effects. And sometimes he forgot to explain something if he got too caught up in it.

"Um, guys?" That'd be Katara. She wasn't particularly enjoying the movie anyways, but there was one thing that was bothering her more than that.

"Yes, Sugar Queen?"

"Why is their skin green?"

Toph rolled her eyes but grinned knowingly anyways. "I wouldn't know, Princess."

Katara huffed, ashamed that Toph had been able to bend her question into insensitivity of Toph's blindness. "Then I'm asking Sokka."

He looked over at his sister with a face that clearly begrudged her interruption of the movie. "I changed the tint. I like it that way." he said seriously. Toph giggled like the way she did when they were pranking somebody. Katara just rolled her eyes and sighed. There was no arguing with them.

Katara tried in vain to concentrate on her homework while the surface and air vibrated with Toph's complicated finger beat. She rounded it off with a skillful solo, and paused for a second.

"Finally..." the older girl whispered.

"Sokka I need some help in here!" The blind girl cried. The boy in blue jumped out of nowhere with a couple of metal spoons and pounded out a base as Toph lit into the wooden table with a new ferocity. Their music was impressive.

"Oh for spirits' sake!" Katara cried in exasperation, swiping her supplies off the table and escaping to her private room.

"Na na na nanana!" Sokka sang.
"Batman!" Toph finished. The two of them giggled like schoolgirls.
"You guys are weird." Aang said.

Aang checked his watch once again just as Katara burst through the glass doors of the building.
"You made it! Did Sokka get your five page paper printed in time?" He asked while waving her over.
Breathless, she smiled and stuck her hand into her messenger bag. "Yeah, I have it right... here." She pulled it out and looked at it with dismay. Aang ran over to her and took it out of her hand, flipping up a corner of the paper Katara had to turn in as soon as they walked into the classroom. There was a staple square in the middle of the stack, rather than in the corner.
"I'm going to kill him when I get home." She muttered.

The phone to her ear, Toph talked quickly. "Yeah, yeah, I can't wait! You sound great!" She grinned at Sokka, who covered his mouth to keep himself from busting out laughing. Toph listened for a couple more seconds. "Uh-huh, seven o'clock. Don't forget, my name is Katara, and I live at..."
"Who on earth are you talking to!?" Katara yelled, barging into Sokka's room and grabbing at the phone as Toph erupted into roaring laughter. The phone flew across the room with the poor guy's confused voice trying to figure out what was going on. Sokka took advantage of his sister being distracted and grabbed it. Inbetween gasps of laughter he said "Sorry, operator, I think the date is off."

"Are you almost done?" Toph asked impatiently.
"Yeah, yeah. Burning a dvd is nothing."
Toph huffed. "This better be funny. You know my ideas are usually better and it's not like I can see the finished product, anyway."
"Believe me, it'll be good."
"Okay, this has to be like the 10th FBI warning on this rental." Aang pointed out.
Katara just looked at Toph and Sokka suspiciously.
"I'm not laughing yet, Sokka." Toph said, tipping her chin up so that the crown of her head touched his chest and her eyes lined up with his, though she couldn't see him anyways.
"You don't give me enough credit." He said, as Aang sighed.
"Just admit defeat and go get the real rental dvd." The younger boy said.

"Okay, you're right. This is better than your last idea. Where did you even get these anti-theft detectors?"
"You don't even want to know." He said as he finished hiding one of them into Katara's backback. She was busy getting their food in the Walmart's McDonald's. Toph just grinned as he put the bag back in her chair.
"I can't wait until that alarm rings. Katara's gunna freak."

Katara excitedly picked up her brand-new book, savoring it's smell, and slowly cracking open the front cover.
Right there on the front page was scrawled "Harry dies."
Toph almost laughed when she heard Sokka's name screamed from the other room. He jumped and looked at Toph with panic, interrupting their make out session. "What did I do?"
Toph only chuckled evilly and leaned forward to whisper in his ear, "You'll never be able to convince her that I did it."

"... and I would like two chocolate Frosties, too. That'll all be to go!" The voice was electronic and crackly, coming through the microphone outside and into Aang's headset. Toph's laughter followed it.
"Sokka, all drive through orders are to go." He said.
"Make sure it's to go! In a bag!"
Aang was silent for a few seconds before he said in monotone, "That'll be 9.38, please pull up to the second window."

Toph sat in a chair with her eyes staring blankly out into the living room, her fingers roaming quickly over the braille letters in her special book, her face struck with her concentration.
Katara ran up and snapped her fingers in front of Toph, since saying her name had gotten no response. Toph's hand stopped moving and she exclaimed "What?" in an annoyed tone.
"Where is the watch alarm coming from!? It's the third one to go off this morning, and it's getting annoying!"
"I don't know what you're talking about! The only thing annoying here is YOU!" Toph growled. Katara only made a frustrated sound and continued to rip the house apart to find the watch. When she was gone Toph smiled to herself.

Sokka held up his piece of floss and admonished his girlfriend. "How is this annoying, exactly?"
Toph licked the last bit of mint from her floss. "That's what I asked you when you suggested it. I like the taste of it, but I don't get the point."

Aang made a face while Sokka stuffed his.
"Are you sure you don't want any?" The taller boy asked, thrusting a pork rind out in front of him.
"Sokka! You know Aang's a vegetarian!" That would be Katara, as always.
"Lighten up, you know he's just kidding." Toph grinned while biting into her own pork rind and stabbing a fork into her filet mignon.
"You two are the only ones I know who would order filet mignon with a side of pork rinds." Aang said, digust barely contained behind clenched teeth.
Sokka smiled with food in his mouth and Toph chuckled. "That's what makes us so charming!"

Toph's hand stretched into Sokka's field of vision and slammed a few short bursts on the horn, making him flinch and causing the driver's near him to swivel their heads for the source of the sound. Toph waved wildly out of all the windows she could get her hands near.

She couldn't see the drivers' responses, but it embarrassed Sokka, so it was definitely entertaining.

"Toph! Are you colorblind?" Katara shrieked as Toph came out of her room dressed all in Hunter's Orange.
"Katara. Are you stupid?" Toph asked in monotone as she waved a hand across her useless field of vision.
Toph walked away while Katara blushed with embarrassment. She recieved a high five from Sokka after she disappeared around a corner.

"Boring." Toph said. Sokka picked up the remote and changed the channel, leaving Aang sputtering.
"Guys, I want to see the ending to that! There was only five minutes left!"
Sokka shrugged. "What the girlfriend says, goes, dude."
Aang grumbled and sat back. "Whatever, I'll just watch this instead."
25 minutes later:
"Come on!"

"Another stupid rental movie prank?"
"It's a good one, I swear!"
Toph got up really slowly. She sauntered over to him, ever step calculated, every step falling perfectly in front of the other. She got real close to Sokka, leaning in milimeter at a time. His breath caught in his throat as he tried to wonder what she was doing. Her fingertips grazed his jaw and her lips brushed his ever so gently.
She left the room, and left him hanging.
"Ah, man!"

17. 18. 19.
BlindBandit: HEY KATARA
Waterbender123: ... what?
Boomerang007: dont type in all caps toph lol
BlindBandit: LOL
Waterbender123: What are you guys up to?
BlindBandit: NOTHING

"And that's when... wait... what the heck?" Aang looked with confusion at the street he and the gang drove home on every day. Katara looked up from the sheet of paper in her hand out the window and quickly mimicked Aang's expression.
"What is the road blocked off for?"
Orange cones slowly squeezed the three-lane mainway down to one lane, and then pushed all of the traffic down a one lane side street on the right side. There was no visibal reason for this detour on the road beyond the cones - the road was completely clear.
A short, stifled giggle from the back seat, cut short by the unmistakable "oof" of an elbow to the gut. Katara rounded on the pair. "Is this your doing?"
"What? You think we have enough spare cash to get all those traffic cones and reroute the whole street?" Toph asked in disbelief. Sokka was still holding a hand to his abdoman and scowling.
Aang made a face as he slowly changed lanes into small spaces between cars, dutifully using his turn signal every time. Finally Sokka couldn't endure the confused (hilarious) faces of the drivers next to him anymore and he burst out laughing.
"It was you! Don't deny it!"
Toph, finding Sokka's laughter a bit contagious, grinned and chuckled. Aang considered the situation for a second and then in a moment when traffic was stopped, he turned to them.
"How did you do it?"

"Ah, that was delicious!" Toph exclaimed.
"Sokka, it's your turn to cover the tab." Aang reminded him.
"Yeah, yeah, I know, I got it." Sokka grinned as he stuffed the last piece of pizza into his mouth.
"We're just making sure. Last time it was your turn you forgot your wallet!" Katara brought up. Sokka made a face around his full mouth.
"Here is your tab, thank you for joining us tonight!" The waiter placed the black book in front of Sokka.
"Alright, pay it and let's get out of here! I don't want to miss Heros!" Aang said.
"No problem." Sokka grinned. Toph handed him her backpack, which she had been carrying around all day with no problem. Sokka unzipped it and pulled out a gallon-sized milk jug filled with...
"Are those... pennies?" Katara asked incredulously.
"My life savings!" Sokka said very seriously. Toph sniggered. Sokka opened the top of the milk jug and pulled out a few pennies, beginning to stack them on the table.
"Are... are you serious, Sokka?" Aang looked absolutely heartbroken.
"Of course not, Aang. Put those back Sokka." She grabbed her backpack and reached her hand inside. She started pulling out handfuls of rolls of pennies - all amounting to 50 cents each. "I meant for you to use these, to pay, Sokka. Count 'em out."
Aang helped. They made it home in time to watch Heros. Barely.

"Hey Toph, make sure you get Sokka to take you over and pick up the developed pictures." Katara reminded her younger roommate.
"Make sure I get Sokka to take me?" Toph repeated.
"Well, yeah, you can't exactly drive yourself."
"I can't drive myself?"
"No, you can't. Did you forget?"
"Pick up the developed pictures?"
"Yeah, the ones that we dropped off at Walmart three days ago."
"The ones we dropped off at Walmart three days ago?"
"The disposable camera we took to the zoo."
"The disposable camera we took to the zoo?"
Katara paused and looked at Toph.
"You're just messing with me now..."
"I'm just messing with you?"
"Ugh, just forget it!"
"Forget it?"

"Do you hear that?" Toph asked suddenly.
"What? What is it?" Katara asked, worried.
"Never mind, it's gone now."
Katara looked at her, confused, and took another lick of her ice cream.
"There it is again!" Toph said.
"What!" Katara asked, looking around.
"Never mind, it went away again."
Katara looked more annoyed now, and went to take another lick.
"What is that?!" Toph asked, standing up. Katara just looked at her.
"What are you talking about?"
"That sound!" Toph exclaimed!
"I think you're making it up." Aang said.
"No, I hear it too!"
"What?!" Katara yelled.
Everyone was silent for a while.
"I don't hear it." Aang said.
"It's gone now." Toph said sadly.
"Yeah, too bad." Sokka chimed.
Aang looked between the both of them as Toph sat down again.
"I think you're screwing with us again."

Katara looked absolutely aglow as the gang, including Zuko and Mai, sang happy birthday to her.
"Alright, Zuko, light the birthday candle for the girl!" Sokka exclaimed. Zuko reached over with his ever-handy lighter and held it to the large cylinder in the middle of the cake. A couple second after it was lit. It flared and spit sparks all over everything. Katara screamed. Mai took a couple steps back and observed quietly. Zuko looked panicked. Aang ran to grab the fire extinguisher. Sokka and Toph just laughed.

Toph stopped eating suddenly, blindly staring at Katara's plate. Intensely.
"You need something Toph?" Katara asked uncertainly.
"Your parsley!" She yelled. "Give me your parsley!"
"Toph! What are you, a three year old? Here!" Katara tossed the parsley at her plate. Toph touched it.
"It's not enough! I need more parsley!" She got up and went to a nearby table, at which point Katara ducked her head in embarassment. "Can I have your parsley? Please?"
Her pile of parsley got higher and higher, much to the befuddlement of nearby diners at the Italian restaurant. Sokka barely contained his mirth, and Katara got redder. Finally a waiter came to the table while Toph was away.
"Ma'am, I've gotten some complaints from other customers. That young lady needs to stay at her own table."
"Toph, c'mere!" Sokka said. Toph came, obediantly, much to Katara's surprise.
"Sokka, I want parsley!" She said in a decidedly childlike manner as he pulled her into his lap.
"I know, hun, ask this nice man for some."
"Can I have some parsley!?" She asked loudly.
Katara buried her face in her arms and groaned. Sokka and Toph just laughed.

"I can't believe you embarrassed me like that!" Katara exclaimed as they walked to the car.
"Oh, come on, Katara, it was funny!" Toph laughed. Katara only sighed.
"Well, it was a win-win, Toph. Check this out." He stuffed a bunch of ones into her hand.
"Sweet!" She said.
"Where did you get that, Sokka!" Katara cried out.
"From our table."
"That was the tip! I gave him ten bucks to make up for that horrible display you put on!"
"Don't worry, I left a ten in it's place. I needed change." Sokka grinned.
"Don't scare me like that, Sokka!" Katara huffed, and got into the driver's seat. Toph grinned at Sokka.
The waiter picked up a bill with a ten on it from that horrible table with the retarded girl. He looked at it closely.
"Banco Central De Bolivia? What the heck is this?"

Aang was putting together a cheesy lego valentine for Katara, trying to find some red flat pieces. He found a chunk of legos all pressed tightly together - all the flat pieces. And the red ones were scattered throughout the chunk.
"Oh, come on... what'd they do? Read my idea journal?"
God I hate uploading a document.

This came from a list of ways to be annoying. :D And I could just see Toph and Sokka taking it at its word. Some don't really make sense as ways to be annoying, but I did my best.

There are 74 in all, and it takes a lot longer to write these than I thought it would. But they make good prompts.

For the most part:

Modern Day AU
Toph and Sokka are a couple
Katara is the victim
© 2010 - 2024 daughterofthestars
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ThoughtsandWonders's avatar
Awww man. Imagine if Destiny-Smasher put some of these ideas in his AUs